The resources of a WHOIS record for a given domain. This can include domain names, IP address blocks, autonomous system information, and/or contact and registration information for a domain.
Caption | Name | Type | Description |
Autonomous System | autonomous_system |
Autonomous System[] | The autonomous system information associated with a domain. |
Registered At | created_time |
Timestamp | When the domain was registered or WHOIS entry was created. |
DNSSEC Status | dnssec_status |
String | The normalized value of dnssec_status_id. |
DNSSEC Status ID | dnssec_status_id |
Integer |
Describes the normalized status of DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for a domain.
Domain | domain |
String | The name of the domain. |
Domain Contacts | domain_contacts |
Domain Contact[] |
An array of Domain Contact objects.
Registrar Abuse Email Address | email_addr |
Email Address | The email address for the registrar's abuse contact |
Last Updated At | last_seen_time |
Timestamp | When the WHOIS record was last updated or seen at. |
Name Servers | name_servers |
String[] | A collection of name servers related to a domain registration or other record. |
Registrar Abuse Phone Number | phone_number |
String | The phone number for the registrar's abuse contact |
Raw Data | raw_data |
JSON | The event data as received from the event source. |
Record ID | record_id |
String | Unique identifier for the object |
Domain Registrar | registrar |
String | The domain registrar. |
Domain Status | status |
String |
The status of a domain and its ability to be transferred, e.g., clientTransferProhibited .
Subdomains | subdomains |
String[] | An array of subdomain strings. Can be used to collect several subdomains such as those from Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs). |
Subnet Block | subnet |
Subnet | The IP address block (CIDR) associated with a domain. |
Unmapped Data | unmapped |
Unmapped[] | The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source. |
Inbound Relationships
These objects and events reference WHOIS in their attributes:
Outbound Relationships
WHOIS references the following objects and events in its attributes:
This page describes qdm-1.3.2+ocsf-1.3.0
Updated 4 months ago