The Logger object represents the device and product where events are stored with times for receipt and transmission. This may be at the source device where the event occurred, a remote scanning device, intermediate hops, or the ultimate destination.


Device device Device[] The device where the events are logged.
Log Level log_level String The audit level at which an event was generated.
Log Name log_name String The event log name. For example, syslog file name or Windows logging subsystem: Security.
Log Provider log_provider String The logging provider or logging service that logged the event. For example, Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing.
Log Version log_version String The event log schema version that specifies the format of the original event. For example syslog version or Cisco Log Schema Version.
Logged Time logged_time Timestamp

The time when the logging system collected and logged the event.

This attribute is distinct from the event time in that event time typically contain the time extracted from the original event. Most of the time, these two times will be different.
Name name String The name of the logging product instance.
Product product Product[] The product logging the event. This may be the event source product, a management server product, a scanning product, a SIEM, etc.
Raw Data raw_data JSON The event data as received from the event source.
Record ID record_id String Unique identifier for the object
Transmission Time transmit_time Timestamp The time when the event was transmitted from the logging device to it's next destination.
Unique ID uid String The unique identifier of the logging product instance.
Unmapped Data unmapped Unmapped[] The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source.
Version version String The version of the logging product.


Logger shown in context

Inbound Relationships

These objects and events reference Logger in their attributes:

Outbound Relationships

Logger references the following objects and events in its attributes:

This page describes qdm-1.3.2+ocsf-1.3.0