Digital Signature
The Digital Signature object contains information about the cryptographic mechanism used to verify the authenticity, integrity, and origin of the file or application.
Caption | Name | Type | Description |
Algorithm | algorithm |
String | The digital signature algorithm used to create the signature, normalized to the caption of 'algorithm_id'. In the case of 'Other', it is defined by the event source. |
Algorithm ID | algorithm_id |
Integer |
The identifier of the normalized digital signature algorithm.
Certificate | certificate |
Digital Certificate[] | The certificate object containing information about the digital certificate. |
Company Name | company_name |
String |
The name of the company that published the file. For example: Microsoft Corporation .
Created Time | created_time |
Timestamp | The time when the digital signature was created. |
Developer UID | developer_uid |
String | The developer ID on the certificate that signed the file. |
Message Digest | digest |
Fingerprint[] | The message digest attribute contains the fixed length message hash representation and the corresponding hashing algorithm information. |
Fingerprints | fingerprints |
Fingerprint[] |
An array of digital fingerprint objects.
Issuer Name | issuer_name |
String |
The certificate issuer name.
Raw Data | raw_data |
JSON | The event data as received from the event source. |
Record ID | record_id |
String | Unique identifier for the object |
Serial Number | serial_number |
String |
The serial number of the digital signature.
State | state |
String | The digital signature state defines the signature state, normalized to the caption of 'state_id'. In the case of 'Other', it is defined by the event source. |
State ID | state_id |
Integer |
The normalized identifier of the signature state.
Unmapped Data | unmapped |
Unmapped[] | The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source. |
Inbound Relationships
These objects and events reference Digital Signature in their attributes:
Outbound Relationships
Digital Signature references the following objects and events in its attributes:
This page describes qdm-1.3.2+ocsf-1.3.0
Updated 4 months ago