Domain Contact
The contact information related to a domain registration, e.g., registrant, administrator, abuse, billing, or technical contact.
Caption | Name | Type | Description |
Contact Email | email_addr |
Email Address | The user's primary email address. |
Contact Location Information | location |
Geo Location[] | Location details for the contract such as the city, state/province, country, etc. |
Name | name |
String | The individual or organization name for the contact. |
Phone Number | phone_number |
String | The number associated with the phone. |
Raw Data | raw_data |
JSON | The event data as received from the event source. |
Record ID | record_id |
String | Unique identifier for the object |
Domain Contact Type | type |
String |
The Domain Contact type, normalized to the caption of the type_id value. In the case of 'Other', it is defined by the source
Domain Contact Type ID | type_id |
Integer |
The normalized domain contact type ID.
Unique ID | uid |
String | The unique identifier of the contact information, typically provided in WHOIS information. |
Unmapped Data | unmapped |
Unmapped[] | The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source. |
Inbound Relationships
These objects and events reference Domain Contact in their attributes:
Outbound Relationships
Domain Contact references the following objects and events in its attributes:
This page describes qdm-1.3.2+ocsf-1.3.0
Updated 5 months ago