Digital Certificate

The Digital Certificate, also known as a Public Key Certificate, object contains information about the ownership and usage of a public key. It serves as a means to establish trust in the authenticity and integrity of the public key and the associated entity. Defined by D3FEND d3f:Certificate.


Created Time created_time Timestamp The time when the certificate was created.
Expiration Time expiration_time Timestamp The expiration time of the certificate.
Fingerprint fingerprint Fingerprint[] The fingerprint of the certificate.


Fingerprint has been deprecated since 1.1.0. Deprecated in upgrade from ocsf-0.31.1 to qdm-1.1.0

Fingerprints fingerprints Fingerprint[] The fingerprint list of the certificate.
Certificate Self-Signed is_self_signed Boolean Denotes whether a digital certificate is self-signed or signed by a known certificate authority (CA).
Issuer Distinguished Name issuer String The certificate issuer distinguished name.
Issuer Distinguished Name issuer_dn String The certificate issuer distinguished name.


Issuer Distinguished Name has been deprecated since 1.1.0. Deprecated in upgrade from ocsf-0.31.1 to qdm-1.1.0

Raw Data raw_data JSON The event data as received from the event source.
Record ID record_id String Unique identifier for the object
Certificate Serial Number serial_number String The serial number of the certificate used to create the digital signature.
Subject Distinguished Name subject String The certificate subject distinguished name.
Subject Distinguished Name subject_dn String The certificate subject distinguished name.


Subject Distinguished Name has been deprecated since 1.1.0. Deprecated in upgrade from ocsf-0.31.1 to qdm-1.1.0

Unique ID uid String The unique identifier of the certificate.
Unmapped Data unmapped Unmapped[] The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source.
Version version String The certificate version.


Digital Certificate shown in context

Inbound Relationships

These objects and events reference Digital Certificate in their attributes:

Outbound Relationships

Digital Certificate references the following objects and events in its attributes:

This page describes qdm-1.3.2+ocsf-1.3.0