DNS Answer

The DNS Answer object represents a specific response provided by the Domain Name System (DNS) when querying for information about a domain or performing a DNS operation. It encapsulates the relevant details and data returned by the DNS server in response to a query.


Resource Record Class class String The class of DNS data contained in this resource record. See RFC1035. For example: IN.
DNS Header Flags flag_ids Integer[] The list of DNS answer header flag IDs.
  • 0: Unknown (UNKNOWN)
  • 1: Authoritative Answer (AUTHORITATIVE_ANSWER)
  • 2: Truncated Response (TRUNCATED_RESPONSE)
  • 3: Recursion Desired (RECURSION_DESIRED)
  • 4: Recursion Available (RECURSION_AVAILABLE)
  • 5: Authentic Data (AUTHENTIC_DATA)
  • 6: Checking Disabled (CHECKING_DISABLED)
  • 99: Other (OTHER)
DNS Header Flags flags String[] The list of DNS answer header flags.
Packet UID packet_uid Integer The DNS packet identifier assigned by the program that generated the query. The identifier is copied to the response.
Raw Data raw_data JSON The event data as received from the event source.
DNS RData rdata String The data describing the DNS resource. The meaning of this data depends on the type and class of the resource record.
Record ID record_id String Unique identifier for the object
TTL ttl Integer The time interval that the resource record may be cached. Zero value means that the resource record can only be used for the transaction in progress, and should not be cached.
Resource Record Type type String The type of data contained in this resource record. See RFC1035. For example: CNAME.
Unmapped Data unmapped Unmapped[] The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source.


DNS Answer shown in context

Inbound Relationships

These objects and events reference DNS Answer in their attributes:

Outbound Relationships

DNS Answer references the following objects and events in its attributes:

This page describes qdm-1.3.2+ocsf-1.3.0